ENTRIES to a design competition seeking an eye-catching landmark for Geelong open on Monday.
Organisers joined Mayor John Mitchell this week to officially open the Icon for Geelong competition.
Geelong law firm Senia Lawyers has put up a $10,000 cash prize for the winning entry.
Cr Mitchell said he was looking forward to seeing the entries.
He believed an “iconic structure of some kind” could provide a focal point for Geelong’s growing profile as an Australian tourist destination.
The competition will seek a design for an inspiring landmark with an emphasis on artistic merit to promote Geelong throughout the world.
Organisers said the icon could be anything from a statue to a building or an art installation, as long as it was a beautiful structure to enhance Geelong’s international profile.
Prospective entrants have until January 28 to lodge their designs, with the winner announced on March 11.
The head of Deakin University’s school of architecture and building, Professor Hisham Elkadi, has produced a design brief for competition entries at deakin.edu.au/scitech/ab.
Prof Elkadi said the brief provided proposed icon sites and parameters but entrants were free to “use their imaginations” on alternatives.
The Independent as a competition sponsor, will publish updates on entries and public reaction.
Where to send entries
Email: icon@geelongindependent.com.au.
Post: Icon for Geelong competition, PO Box 407, Geelong, 3220.