Double Take

PORN AGAIN: Gnarwarre's bearded-lady Jesus flashes for the camera.

An androgynous Jesus is raising eyebrows and threatening a pile-up with a racy show beside Barrabool Road.
Rather than a Third Coming, Gnawarre’s bearded-lady Son of Christ is a mannequin whose creator has supplied just a little too much detail.
The roadside Jesus is affixed to the pinnacle of a hay bale stack in long, flowing robes. Possibly by design, gusts of wind regularly lift Jesus’s hem high enough to expose a cluster of short and curlies to passing traffic.
Some might question the artistic merit but at least the sight amused Double Take’s correspondent enough to stop for a photo – thoughtfully from side-on.
“Nothing like a good sacrilegious, politically-correct, transgender, half-naked Jesus to spice up Chrissie,” he laughed, “although it looks like the bearded sheila who won Eurovision.”

While on issues religious, another Double Take contributor recently returned from India where he was fortunate to avoid bombardment with human organs.
While on a bus tour of Mumbai he learned all about the small local Parsi community whose members follow Iranian prophet Zoroaster. Our correspondent was intrigued to learn that the Parsi lay out their dead atop a tower to be devoured by vultures, which circle ominously above the city’s skyscrapers.
Unfortunately, one of the birds pecked off more than it could chew, dropping an intestine into the city’s renowned hanging gardens during our man’s visit. Fortunately, a separate tour group attending his conference encountered the grisly detritus the day before he was to visit the gardens.
“Luckily it wasn’t my group or they’d have seen my guts, too,” he said.

“Ho, ho, ho” is being drowned out by ding, ding, ding in Westfield Geelong – but it’s not the sound of cash registers echoing around Santa’s grotto.
The backdrop for the jolly fellow in red is clearly not the North Pole – more scaffold pole – as contractors climb over the travelators in very un-elf-like costumes.
Shoppers have no need for aerobics classes before eating their festive fill, either, they can just climb up the scaffold-supported stairway to the food court to take in the Christmas ambience.

Just days after Geelong Cats chief Brian Cook complained the club would lose money playing home games in Melbourne, the team’s apparently had a change of heart.
The Cats ventured to Melbourne for a “major announcement” yesterday instead of holding the media conference at its home ground, as it normally does.
The MCG certainly holds a much greater capacity than Simonds Stadium but it’s doubtful the media conference was a sell-out.