By John Van Klaveren
“STRONG, bold vision” is needed to ensure Geelong achieves an icon worthy of the region, according to leading businessman Frank Costa.
Mr Costa has thrown his support behind the Icon for Geelong competition to design a landmark for the city.
Mr Costa had his own suggestion: an iconic building providing both an attraction for tourists while serving a practical purpose.
“Balfours corner could host a 10-storey building with fantastic views over the bay,” Mr Costa suggested.
“The ground floor could be commercial, the council could consolidate in it and the top floors could be residential.
“The current council offices could become an iconic part of the new cultural precinct. Geelong, especially with its projected growth, deserves a cultural precinct of that quality.”
Mr Costa declared Geelong was on the “cusp of going from good to great” with its lifestyle “second to none”.
“Having an icon that gets us recognition throughout Aus-tralia and internationally would be of great benefit,” he said.
“Coming up with the right icon would be the challenge but holding a competition like this certainly helps shape our thinking.”
Mr Costa lauded a recent funding announcement for Geelong Library and Heritage Centre as well as council’s nomination of foreshore land near Limeburner’s Point for a city conference and exhibition centre.
“The conference centre could be pretty sensational and there might be opportunities to link an icon in with it,” he said.
“We need to canvass a lot of people around Geelong to try to get an icon that’s not just outstanding but also practical; one that’s viable going forward.
“Some of the ideas proposed so far are fantastic but could be costly in the future. We have to be careful we don’t indebt future generations.”
Mr Costa said the Icon for Geelong competition offered the region the opportunity to “make a real statement”.
“There are a lot of good ideas and it’s amazing what a competition like this might flush out,” he said.
“It gives everyone an opportunity to have their say.”
Leading Geelong law firm Senia Lawyers is offering a $10,000 cash prize for the winning design.
A competition design brief is available at
Where to send entries
Mail: Icon for Geelong, PO Box 407, Geelong, 3220