Water Minister brushes off Coalition call: We’ll stick with pipe

Water Minister Tim Holding has poured a bucket over a Coalition call to shelve plans for connecting Geelong to “expensive” desalinated water from Melbourne.
Mr Holding said the pipeline was part of the “best” strategy to guarantee the region’s long-term water supply.
He was responding to claims from Coalition water spokesman Peter Walsh in last week’s Independent that the pipeline would lock Geelong region consumers into paying for desalinated water even when the region’s existing storages were full.
Mr Walsh said producing and pumping water from State Government’s proposed $3.1 million plant at Wonthaggi would make desalination cost more than existing supplies, although the Government was as yet unable to give consumers a price.
He urged the Government to instead consider building a dam on former dairy farmland at Dewings Creek, in the Otways, as well as running further investigations of recycling and stormwater options.
Mr Holding renewed the Government’s commitment to its plan for the pipeline.
“The best long-term solution to provide water security for Geelong and surrounding towns is two-fold,” he said.
“First, to have access to several different supply alternatives including the existing reservoirs, the Anglesea borefield as well as recycled projects.
“Secondly, by connecting Geelong to Melbourne’s water supplies, Geelong obtains access to desalination and Melbourne’s other water supply augmentations.
“This is exactly the strategy that Barwon Water and the state and federal governments are pursuing by jointly funding a range of projects in the region.”
The Independent sought comment from Member for South Barwon Michael Crutchfield, the Government’s Parliamentary Secretary for Water, but his spokesperson referred the issue to Mr Holding.