Jessica Benton
GEELONG councillors are lobbying State Government to stop taking communities’ planning powers.
Crs Barbara Abley, John Doull, Andrew Katos and Jan Farrell have joined Coalition of Concerned Councillors to fight the Government’s planning reforms.
The alliance has written to Premier John Brumby and Planning Minister Justin Madden opposing legislation for Government-appointed committees rather than councils to make development decisions.
The letter said the reforms “demolish the cornerstone of this state’s planning system – the rights of residents to have a say about their neighbourhood”.
Cr Abley said residents elected councillors, not State Govern-ment, to make planning decisions.
The reforms were “a denial of democracy and a flagrant attack on the rights and responsibilities of the third tier of government”, she said.
Cr Abley said the reforms would take planning permit applications for non-government schools and social housing projects out of the hands of councils.
“There will be no opportunity for council or neighbours to express a view on applications next door to them.”
Planning Minister Justin Madden’s spokesperson said State Government was “securing and protecting jobs”.
“In order for Victoria to get its fair share of Commonwealth stimulus payments, there is a need to streamline the planning process to get these projects started immediately,” she said.
“The Government remains committed to consulting and working with councils while creating Victorian jobs.”