Beauty runs more than skin deep

BEAUTY POWER: Gordon beauty therapist Amber Beasley hones her skills on Brea-Anna Harris before the big night. 141411 Picture: GREG WANE

STAFF members behind Gordon TAFE’s beauty department are not just pretty faces.
They have gone to great lengths to put together a fundraising event aimed at empowering more women into work or study.
The Empower Program, run through the institute’s beauty therapy course, also gives students a hand-on experience of giving back to the community, organiser Mardi Spittle said.
The fundraiser features massages, manicures and mini makeovers by Gordon beauty students.
Guest speaker is Sean Purcell, who will relate his story of being brought back to life on a Torquay beach by Jan Juc lifesavers.
Celebrity auctioneer, former Cats favourite Andrew Bews will spruik items including accommodation vouchers, spa packages, gift vouchers, restaurant vouchers and even beauty treatment packages.
Ms Spittle said all money raised would go to Give Where You Live, The Unite Project and the Empower Program.
The event is on at The Pier on Monday 20 July at 6pm.