Buckets and Bouquets

Bouquets to Stefan and his crew at Barwon Health’s ostomy department for their wonderful compassion and care for me over the past seven years. They always have a smile and a joke for their “ostomates”. We are so lucky to have them.
Tom’s Wife, Highton
Bouquets to everyone who stopped to help when I fainted in Malop St outside Officeworks, especially the woman who phoned the ambulance, the nurse, the doctor and the ambos.
Paula, Leopold
Bouquets to Bendigo Bank Corio’s Nadine and Tania for their outstanding service to a very upset and nervous person. Their help will never be forgotten.
Grateful Pensioner Margaret, Corio
Buckets to an arrogant scumbag who lets their dog bark loudly out the back window of a vehicle at 7am most mornings, waking us all up. We’ve had enough. We also have your registration number.
Grumpy, Belmont
Bouquets to Surf Coast Secondary College students where I recently had my first day of relief teaching. Their politeness and good manners were far beyond my expectations despite my vast experience. To have them personally thank me made a lasting impression.
A Phillips, Bell Post Hill
Buckets to the constant stream of taxis double-parked outside a venue each night after bingo. Just because the drivers flash their hazard lights doesn’t give them a right to flout the law. They illegally block the street. I hope police read this.
Reg Varney, Breakwater