City student boost

AN EXTRA 2000 Deakin University students will help boost business in central Geelong, according to Mayor John Mitchell.
He welcomed the university’s plan to relocate arts, education, commerce and law students from Waurn Ponds to Deakin’s Waterfront campus over the next two years.
Under the plan Deakin’s health, science and technology-focussed subjects would merge at Waurn Ponds.
“There’s no doubt we’re very happy to see Deakin’s expansion not only into the city but also at Waurn Ponds as well,” Cr Mitchell said.
“The vice chancellor is making an effort to increase the number of students and that can only be a good thing for Geelong. It will certainly help the city to have more students based at Deakin’s city campus.”
Deakin confirmed the changes were “underway”.
Deakin Vice Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander said the proposal would base similar disciplines at each campus.
“It makes perfect sense to have, for instance, our arts courses in close proximity to Geelong Performing Arts Centre, Costa Hall and The Gordon,” she said.
“It also makes more sense to have our law, business, commerce and journalism teaching in the Geelong CBD around major commercial activity rather than out at the Waurn Ponds campus.
“This is all about choosing the most-appropriate location for our teaching, learning and research activities.”
Prof den Hollander said Deakin expected Waterfront enrolments to increase from around 2100 students to more than 5000 in the next five years.
Student numbers at Waurn Ponds would grow from 4300 to 5000, she said.
“An influx of more than 2000 additional students at the Waterfront campus would create a new buzz of student activity in the Geelong CBD and start to create the atmosphere of a real university town.”