VICKY Russell is convinced Geelong holds people with creative flare but no awareness of their skills – yet.
Vicky says she has an answer: Geelong Floral Art Group, an ideal club for discovering creative streaks.
“We have members who came along not really understanding what it was all about, and now you can’t get them out of the place,” she laughed.
At a workshop at St Joseph’s Football Club floral artists are all eagerly bent over their creations under the watchful eye of tutor Lenice McCall.
“If you have a love of flowers you will enjoy the art form,” Vicky said.
The group holds regular classes, including a novice level so newcomers can improve their skills.
Workshop attendees have come well-equipped, with their expandable tool boxes of pliers, floristry scissors, wire and tape.
“They have all come prepared. You can choose different materials but everyone does the same style,” Lenice said.
Floral art uses both traditional and modern contemporary design styles, she explained.
“The traditional style is more formal with defined rules while the contemporary style is freer, allowing you to enhance your design with items like with beads.
“We use subtle wiring to manipulative the flowers and foliage into a desired design.”
The enthusiasm of the Geelong group is evident in the turnout for the workshop, with many participants coming from all over regional Victoria.
The club turns 50 next year, enjoying its longevity based on a great reputation in the floral art world.
“We’re a progressive club and many of our members have exhibited and judged overseas and won international prizes,” Vicky said.
The group has several members who are qualified floral art judges and members of the Floral Art Judge’s Society and the Victorian Floral Art Society.
“We do have wonderful tutors, you can learn a lot. There’s so much talent and knowledge here,” Vicky said.
Once members get the hang of the art, many enter various competitions and shows.
Vicky said more information about Geelong Floral Art group was available by phoning her on 5282 1215.