Vandals’ $40,000 rampage through Geelong Botanic Gardens

TRASHED: Geelong Botanic Gardens.

VANDALS left a $40,000 trail of destruction in Geelong Botanic Gardens overnight.
Immature trees and plants were destroyed, cacti slashed and statues and bollards vandalised.
An historically significant bronze crane statuette was snapped at the base.
Geelong police attended the scene this morning.
Mayor Darryn Lyons was outraged by the “senseless vandalism.”
“I’m disgusted and I’m angry,” he said.
“Why would anyone do this? It’s completely pointless.
“The Botanic Gardens bring so much joy to so many people. I’m appalled that anyone could cause this much damage to such a beautiful place just for the hell of it. It’s pathetic.”
The mayor said staff discovered the vandalism early this morning.
“Our botanic gardens staff work so hard to keep the gardens looking beautiful and they were absolutely devastated with what they found when they arrived at work. They haven’t seen vandalism to this extent in all their years of working there.”
“If anyone knows anything about what happened please contact the police and report any information that may help find those responsible.”