Jail for flouting orders after robbing cashiers

HEROIN: Geelong Magistrates Court.


A MAN with numerous convictions for supermarket and convenience store robberies was yesterday jailed for nine months after breaching community correction orders.
Glen Bennett, of Clifton Springs, was placed on the orders for the offences in May and November but failed to complete one hour of the 280 he was meant to serve and also missed at least 15 appointments, magistrate Michael Coghlan said.
Mr Coghlan re-sentenced Bennett on multiple charges of robbery, driving while disqualified and failing to comply with the correction orders.
Bennett committed multiple robberies in supermarkets and convenience stores across Geelong, typically targeting young cashiers.
He would purchase some items and, as the cash register was opened, grab what money he could and ran off, Mr Coghlan said.
The incidents could have been “particularly stressful” to his victims, notably those Bennett pushed aside to get at the money.
He committed robberies at various sites including Belmont, Drysdale and East Geelong.
He stole some $5000 in four weeks, with the thefts captured on CCTV.
Bennett told Geelong Magistrates’ Court he now understood the benefit the orders had presented to his life and how dealing with GPs and psychiatrists was important to his future.
But Mr Coghlan refused to recognised Bennett’s “stated desire” and pointed to a lengthy list of previous contraventions.
“You’ve made no effort at all and the prospect of you completing those orders is next to negligible.”
Bennett, dressed in a blue-striped shirt and black trousers, showed no emotion as he was taken into custody.
He kissed his partner twice, conferred briefly with his counsel and stood in the dock flanked by two police officers, flashing a quick, wry grin to friends in the gallery.