Cop’s rape hearing

BOMB: Police have cordoned off a property at Whittington.


A POLICEMAN charged with rape appeared in Geelong Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
Phillip Gordon Shaw, a Western Region Victoria Police Leading Senior Constable, was initially charged with two counts of recklessly causing injury in February after a Professional Standards Command investigation.
He was charged with rape last month following further investigations.
The charges stem from the same incident, which was alleged to have occurred while he was off-duty at a private residence on 26 January.
Mr Shaw, who has been suspended without pay, sat glumly in court five of the Geelong court complex while waiting for magistrate Michael Coghlan to rule on an administrative measure setting his next hearing for 29 May.
Dressed in a grey suit, white shirt and red tie, he looked downward, studying his hands and occasionally shaking his head as he waited for proceedings to move along.
About 180cm tall, Mr Shaw appeared fit and with his slightly receding hair bleached blond and neatly trimmed.
He exited the court for some time after Mr Coghlan indicated he would not deal with the matter immediately.
On returning Mr Shaw said only, “No, your honour”, when asked whether 29 May posed any problems.
Mr Coghlan advised Mr Shaw to ensure he had legal representation when he returned in order to cross-examine any witnesses.
Mr Shaw left the court complex through a rear door, carrying a black backpack and in the company of another man.