Geelong fund-raisers have posted the best result in a state-wide event assisting a facility housing the families of seriously ill children hospitalised in Melbourne.
Geelong’s A Night on the Waterfront event raised almost $80,000, said Ronald McDonald House’s Steph Isherwood.
The event was the most successful fund-raising event on the ride, thanks to the wonderfully generous Geelong community,” she said.
The fund-raiser was promoted in the 24 February edition of the Geelong Indy with a story on Highton’s David Upham, who organised the waterfront event.
The night included footy celebrities Cameron Ling, Billy Brownless and Craig Hutchinson along with a local family who had used one of the charity’s facilities, Ms Isherwood said.
Belmont’s Greg Taylor and Berri Sin “spoke about how the house helped them through the traumatic experience of having six-year-old son Angus go through treatment for neuroblastoma,” she said.
The Geelong funds would go toward the charity’s Parkville and Monash houses, Ms Isherwood said.