Double Take

Marianne Valitutti 169353_04 (Rebecca Hosking)

All this talk of Chinese back door activities and efforts to extend their soft power down under made this old scribe think about where the real Chinese power lies.
Been to Yum Cha lately?
If you are a gweilo (white ghost) think about this. The last time you indulged in the very civilised experience of a Yum Cha lunch did you succeed in getting the elusive squid trolley to stop at your table?
Did you get a warm egg tart or did you get the old “so sorry no more” line that I always seem to get?
I know that squid trolley and the warm egg tarts are lurking somewhere and being dished out along party lines to people in the know – I just know it!! This is how real power is exercised!
And speaking of power – of the not so soft variety.
Having watched our very own Ms Muscles Muay Thai Marianne make world headlines by seeing off a trio of naughty boys, it got Double Take thinking about other naughty boys who have been spitting their dummies lately and making a big mess in their sandpits.
It’s funny how naughty boys like to think they are very tough until they come against a genuinely tough woman and then it is pretty clear to see who actually does wear the pants – as it were – in power politics.
So think about the great orange Mr Trump when he came up against the Mighty Merkel or Prince Harry being carpeted by his hand bag wielding grandmother.
What is about Grr..girl power that makes the male of the species back down, back off or indeed rack off? Genuine fear? Or just horror at the disruption in the force when females act in expected ways?
And finally, continuing the theme of soft power, and speaking of dummy spits, Andrew Bolt bruises a fellow male in the crown jewels because he has attempted to “glitter bomb” him?
Insert here emoji of horrified/ startled face followed by emoji of laughing until the tears come out face.
Is “glitter bombing” really the new way males are going to exercise power?
After all this thinking about Sino, trans and cross gender power this old scribe can think of only one thing to do.
I am packing up my bat, my ball, my dummy and heading to the nearest Muay Thai class!