By Christine Couzens, Member For Geelong
I am pleased to support the 2018 Deakin University Geelong Business Excellence Awards.
This is a great opportunity for Geelong businesses to not only showcase what they offer, but it is also an opportunity for them to learn from the experts.
There is a growing confidence in Geelong and many businesses are working in collaboration with each other to benefit their customers.
The Andrews Labor Government understands the importance of a strong business economy, which is why businesses in regional Victoria can receive a 25% discount on their payroll tax.
This discount supports regional employers to grow their business and encourages further employment of workers in regional areas such as Geelong.
The $15m Future Industries Manufacturing Program is all about supporting business to create jobs to help former Geelong automotive and manufacturing workers
Future Industries is about supporting investment in high-growth industries through industry excellence and development projects, including establishing collaborative networks and building supply chain readiness capabilities.
We committed $530m to maintain and upgrade regional roads and bridges and to plan for future expansions to cater for regional growth. $65.8m is confirmed to go to roads across southwest Victoria including the Great Ocean Road.
The Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF) is the main infrastructure program of the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund (RJIF).
It aims to harness key regional strengths to improve regional Victoria’s productivity and liveability. It invests in major infrastructure projects that create or enhance the conditions for economic growth, and build diversified and sustainable regional economies that are resilient to change.
The RIF provides public grant funding for four program streams: Visitor Economy, Productive and Liveable Cities and Centres, Enabling Infrastructure, and Rural Development.
Geelong will soon see more police on the streets, with an additional 29 police officers above attrition the rate due to hit the beat over the next year as the Andrews Labor Government continues to deliver the biggest boost to police resources in history.
These 29 new officers come on top of 10 positions allocated last year to Geelong as part of the first deployment.
This also comes on top of 23 police custody officers working at Geelong Police Station, and 15 new officers deployed to Geelong and Bellarine police stations in 2015.
I am looking forward to seeing the nominations for the 2018 Deakin University Geelong Business Excellence Awards.