Leonardo’s turkey

GOBBLE GOBBLE: Laura Smith and son Leonardo McArthur prepare for their first family Christmas. 175925_03 (Louisa Jones)

By Luke Voogt

Laura Smith’s Talkin’ Turkey win has come just in time for her for first family Christmas with 10-week old son Leonardo.
“I was just reading the paper and playing around on the floor with my son,” the new Corio mother said. “He wasn’t very helpful.”
And while Leonardo was too young to sink his chops into the delicious turkey this year, his mum was grateful for shopping reprieve.
“It makes life a little easier,” she said.
It will be her first Christmas alongside her boy and partner Ryan McArthur.
“Last time I wasn’t in Geelong for it,” she said. “I was with family up in Queensland.”
It will also be the Laura’s first-ever roast turkey.
“I’ve got a Slovenian mother,” she said. “We had traditional European dishes growing up so we never had a roast turkey.”
The competition fascinated Laura when she picked up last week’s copy of the Indy.
“I’ve never heard of a turkey as a prize – so that got me interested.”
Last week’s turkeys were in the advertisements of Heights Sewing Centre, Aarons Outdoor Living, Woolsy Trading Post, Highton Hearing and Routleys Bakery.
The five turkeys are hidden in separate ads again this week.
To go into the draw, entrants must supply their name and phone number along with the business names of the five advertisers with a hidden turkey each.
To enter email indy@geelongindy.com.au, leave a message on the Talkin’ Turkey hotline 5249 6721, or lodge in person at the Indy’s office, first floor, 74-78 Moorabool Street, Geelong.