A new community campaign aims to reinvigorate Geelong’s retail sector while encouraging excellence in service standards.
Shop Local Geelong will tell shoppers why they should support the city’s retailers while awarding and recognising them for outstanding customer service.
The Independent and City of Greater Geelong have joined forces to launch the campaign, covering all the municipality.
Independent managing editor Tony Galpin said Shop Local Geelong aimed to help retailers deal with the dual challenge of online competition and a generally flat economic cycle.
“It’s no secret many traders are finding business conditions tough at the moment. We thought it was the right for a campaign telling shoppers about the advantages of dealing with their local retailers,” Mr Galpin said.
“It’s all about face-to-face customer service, after-sales support, value and supporting the local businesses creating a vibrant retail sector in Geelong.
“The retail sector is our largest employer, too, so Shop Local Geelong is also about jobs.”
Mr Galpin said the campaign would feature a monthly Independent Shop Local Customer Service Award.
“As well as recognition with a story and picture in the Independent, the winner will receive a $1000 advertising package combing the region’s highest circulating newspaper and its EasyFinder business directory.
“While the award will be welcome acknowledgement for any retailer, it will also encourage a culture of service excellence in greater Geelong.
“Keep reading the Independent in subsequent weeks to find out how to nominate businesses and to read why everyone should shop local.”
Mr Galpin said participation in Shop Local Geelong was free for retailers, with the City and the Independent providing all marketing, advertising and editorial support.
Retailers wanting more information should contact the Independent.
“Let everyone know you’re committed to service excellence with Shop Local Geelong,” Mr Galpin said.
Shop Local Geelong is also backed by the city’s chamber of commerce and its Geelong Retail Network.