Norlane’s disabled face rough road to shop

ROUGH JUSTICE: Jason Worley with the rought guttering on Donnybrook Rd. Picture: Reg Ryan 103641


JASON Worley’s fighting to keep his legs – even if they don’t work for him.
Stricken by injuries, he needs a scooter or frame to get about, which is tough enough without trying to negotiate the gutters and footpaths of Norlane’s Donnybrook Rd is tougher, he says.
Square in his crosshairs is the retrograde state of guttering around the local milk bar that Mr Worley says he and neighbours with similar transport challenges have to negotiate daily.
“We rely on the milk bar for milk, soft drinks and the like – it’s more like a local supermarket if you can’t get to Corio Village,” he said.
“But when you cross the road to the milk bar side, the guttering is just bloody atrocious.
“I’ve been complaining for nine years about it but nothing’s ever been done. I’ve been to the council, to councillors, to members of parliament and still nothing’s been done.’”
Mr Worley, 54, claimed council argued the guttering was not in bad enough shape to warrant repairs.
“The council’s just not listening,” he said.
In the meantime, Mr Worley said residents using scooters or walking frames had to travel several hundred metres to cross the road where it was safer.
Mr Worley said a blood clot, an aneurism and nerve damage in his left leg had left him incapacitated.
He suspected his leg might require amputation in the future.
“Mate, I ride it out every day,” he said.
“I cry from pain, I cry from being bloody cold.
“I can try walking around but it just gives way and I go arse-over.”