JOIN THE CLUB: Movies in the Red

TWO friends were sitting in a Geelong bar and decided to start a film society because it sounded like fun at the time.
Now Ralph Cotter and Marg McKenzie have a hit on their hands but it wasn’t until they screened their first movie that a name came to them.
“It was The Shining and we decided to call it Red Rum Film Society because its murder spelled backwards in the movie,” Ralph recalled.
“We were in Beav’s Bar and thought it would be a fantastic venue to watch movies with friends, so we looked into it and set it up. It’s a comfortable setting, we put on some snacks and you can have a beer or wine.”
Since then the group has swelled, screening monthly cult, independent, foreign-language and classic movies as well as box-office favourites, Ralph said.
“The screenings get a real diversity of people and they’re on a Tuesday night when there’s not a lot happening in Geelong. It draws people away from their televisions.”
Ralph said Red Rum generally chose movies without cinema releases or only short runs.
“We love to watch movies and were often disappointed that some of the more-interesting films being released just weren’t making it to town or not staying long enough to catch at the bigger cinemas.”
Some recent examples included Run Lola Run, The Life of Brian, a Japanese movie called Departures, Alfred Hitchcock classic Rear Window, Iranian film Persepolis, timeless western A Fist Full of Dollars and an animation named Howl’s Moving Castle.
Ralph said the group was an informal film society.
“It’s not all highbrow by any means,” he laughed.
“We don’t tend to have formal discussions afterwards but people will often offer an opinion.”
Red Rum offers a 12-month membership for $50, six months for $30 or three for $20.
“Members are given the opportunity to choose the films being presented and have a say in how the society operates,” Ralph said.
“We allow members to vote on a selection of movies to be screened through the year.
“Members are entitled to attend as many films as are presented for the term of their membership.”
Ralph said new members were welcome to join upon arrival prior to a screening.
“People can come along and make a donation as a guest for one night, which hopefully gives a visitor a taste of what the society is about and helps them decide if they are interested in joining.”
Ralph said prospective members could visit Red Rum’s website at /site/redrumfilmsociety/, its Facebook page at or drop into Beav’s Bar on the first Tuesday night of each month.