Deakin site targeted: Convention centre call welcomed

Deakin University’s waterfront car park site is back in the sights of groups pushing for a convention centre in Geelong.
Geelong’s peak tourism, business and lobby groups welcomed the possibility of the facility being closer to central Geelong rather than the previous council’s proposed site near Limeburner’s Point.
They were responding to Mayor Keith Fagg’s call in last week’s Independent to review the proposed location.
Cr Fagg said he wanted to establish a high-level central activities area taskforce to consider the convention centre alongside city revitalisation projects.
Geelong Otway Tourism’s Roger Grant said industry backed the Deakin site.
“A partnership with Deakin is really worth exploring. If Deakin can be put back on the table, by gee, I’d be first in line.”
Mr Grant said the revitalisation of Geelong’s central activities area and the proposed convention centre had synergies.
“The siting of the convention centre is fundamental to the Vision II thinking for the city and it has to be considered within that context.
“Life has changed a bit since announcing Limeburner’s Point, so it’s a matter of again entering into discussions.
“We have got to get it right and it will take time to let those discussions take place. We need to go to the private sector with a commitment from all stakeholders on the site.”
Geelong Chamber of Commerce executive officer Bernadette Uzelac said the location needed more thought and consultation with business and the community.
“Limeburner’s has merits but there are issues with its distance and environmental impacts. The less we tamper with public open space, the better for the future.”
Committee for Geelong executive director Peter Dorling said he supported any opportunity to talk to Deakin on the issue.
Developer Lawrence Elms, who proposed a land-and-water-based development for Limeburner’s Point incorporating the convention centre, said a site review would not significantly affect his plans.
“I’m happy to take the plan to the most appropriate site because the basic model, including financing, doesn’t change – it’s just a different location.”
Deakin spokesman Andrew Birks said the university’s plans for its waterfront campus car park remain unchanged.
Deakin has yet to reveal its plans for the site.