HOMELESSNESS will become real for 25 year eight students at Geelong Baptist College tonight.
They will rough it as part of a Vinnies School and Community Sleepout on what promises to be a cold winter night.
School head of humanities Andrew Liberts said the event was important to students, with about half the year level participating.
“We’re in for a cold night night but that’s reality,” Mr Liberts said.
“It’s a fun night as much as they get cold and bear the elements. But it helps them develop a social conscience.
“It’s important for them to recognise they can help out and make a difference despite their youth.
“We educate them on the night by spending time talking about the causes of homelessness and addressing any misconceptions they have.
“It comes as a surprise to them to learn that kids their own age are in that boat as part of families who are homeless.
“They become more aware and grateful for what they have.”
The sleepout raises awareness and funds for St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria’s homeless services.
VincentCare’s John Blewonski said homelessness issues needed greater public awareness.
“Homelessness includes anyone living in unsafe or insecure housing, such as boarding houses or shelters and, sadly due to domestic violence, this includes a lot of women and children,” Mr Blewonski said.
“It’s fantastic our primary school children are getting involved and understanding the issues of homelessness from a young age.”