Gun club saga: Locks threat

Andrew Mathieson
CHANGING locks will be a last resort to evict Geelong Gun Club, according to State Government officials.
But the shooters can still gather at their clubrooms if they vacate the club’s Eastern Park site before the end of the month.
The club was given a notice to quit the area within six months from November after more than 100 years at its Limeburner’s Point home because of environmental concerns.
However, club president Steve Haberman told the Independent last week that the shooters would ignore the eviction notice until the Government found a “suitable” site.
Department of Sustainability and Environment’s Mike Behnke this week said he planned to appoint government legal representatives to evict the club next month.
But he also offered members an olive branch.
“We have offered the club the continued use of their clubrooms – let’s say their spiritual home,” he said.
“They can still use the clubhouse for their socialising and meetings but they’re just not allowed to shoot there.”
Mr Behnke believed that the Government had gone “above and beyond the call of duty” to find the club a new home.
“They can’t ask for another extension because we’ve been extending it for many years now – it’s not part of the deal,” he said.
“At the end of the day, changing locks is one option that might happen.”
Member for Geelong Ian Trezise rejected the club’s claim the Government had promised to keep the club at Limeburner’s Point until an alternative site was found.
“There was no guarantee that they would remain there until there was a suitable site found because, of course, never a suitable site would be found.
“Therefore, they would always remain there.”