Site ‘too small’ for sport bikers


ONE OF two clubs being displaced from a multi-million dollar motocross track at Barrabool fears it could be homeless for the foreseeable future.
Sporting Motor Cycle Club secretary Peter Ovens said members recognised the difficulties in finding a single solution to the needs of the two dirt bike clubs.
Geelong’s council is investigating a potential site at Avalon after planning and court actions resulted in Barrabool’s McAdam Park closing to riders in December this year, leaving both SMCC and Geelong Motocross Club (GMCC) homeless.
Mr Ovens said space limitations meant only one club could satisfactorily use the Avalon site.
“What happened at McAdam Park has torn our sport apart. For nearly 50 years our club had a good relationship going with the local community.
“Our clubs are now desperate to find solutions for local recreational riders.”
Mr Ovens said council officers’ earlier investigations established that the limited area of the Avalon site made it sufficient to accommodate only GMCC.
“This means it’s unlikely both clubs could operate from there but we have no issues with that. At least riders would have somewhere to ride and one club would have a proper home.
“It would still be possible to have big events there and attract people to the region.”
Mr Ovens said the club had long advocated for the two clubs to have separate homes.
“All riders agree. That’s what worked so well for our sport locally for many decades; the two clubs have different cultures and needs.
“There seems to be a resistance from authorities in seeking alternative answers to the same problem.
“Seeking two smaller-scale operations may actually be easier than following the current mindset of seeking just one site to accommodate a large scale high use regional facility.”
Cr John Irvine said council was again looking at the Avalon site to ensure it complied with flora and fauna protection legislation.
“We’re going to go back to that site and will talk to Avalon Airport and see if we can accommodate a track.
“We may not end up exactly with what the clubs want but hopefully it’s a decision they can live with.”
Another site identified in the Avalon Airport master plan was deemed unsuitable because of flora and fauna protection issues.