Summer will be jam-packed

Andrew Mathieson
SOME of the country’s most successful DJ’s will descend on Geelong and the Surf Coast next week when they bring their “banging sound system” Summer Jam 2011 to the region.
Producer, DJ and half of Aussie music success story TV Rock, Grant Smilie said the convoy of artists would offer music lovers of all ages “free beachside entertainment with a difference”.
“The reason for Summer Jam is simple. We all know that us Aussies are fond of the beach so this summer we are taking the party to the beach side communities to travel back to the city,” he said.
Smilie said a customised Red Bull truck equipped with sound system, full DJ “rig”, plasma screens would entertain music lovers “relaxing by the seaside” before engaging nighttime revellers.
Summer Jam will be on the Lorne foreshore and at Lorne Hotel on January 12 with Grant Smilie and Andy Murphy, at Torquay’s main beach and Torquay Hotel on January 13 with Smilie, Chardy and Samantha Bliss and at Geelong’s Eastern Beach and Home House nightclub on January 15 with Smilie, Fuzzy and Feenixpawl.
All three daytime events will run beachside from 2pm to 4pm daily with evening events to follow.
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