GEELONG appears to have lost one of its two state upper house representatives with the defeat of Nationals member David O’Brien.
Mr O’Brien lost his seat after a group of micro parties arranged preference deals to snare the fifth seat in the Legislative Council electorate of Wester Victoria.
Liberal Simon Ramsey, based in Warrnambool, Labor’s Jaala Pulford and the Liberals’ Josh Morris, both in Ballarat, were safely elected as the seat went through 20 recounts to distribute preferences.
As the Independent went to press, Geelong-based Labor candidate Gayle Tierney was fighting for one of the final two spots with Palmer United Party’s Catriona Thoolen and James Purcell of Vote 1 Local Jobs.
Vote counters were sorting through preferences for 12 micro parties vying for the seat.
Groups included the Sex Party, Shooters and Fishers, Family First, Democratic Labour Party, Animal Justice, Vote 1 Local Jobs, Australian Christians, Australian Country Alliance, People Power Victoria/No Smart Meters, Australian Cyclists, Rise Up Australia and Voice for the West.
Former Geelong-based Liberal Member for Western Victoria David Koch resigned before the election.
All the region’s lower house seats remained unchanged, with each incumbent returned.