A COLD snap has delayed the final seal on a section of Geelong’s newest road, Baanip Blvd, connecting Anglesea Rd and Surf Coast Hwy.
VicRoads opened the main section of Baanip Blvd to ensure the seal on the road sets correctly.
When the weather permits, the final 700m between Ghazeepore and Angelsea Rds will be sealed, opening the entire length of the boulevard to traffic.
All works on the new road were expected to be complete ahead of schedule by the end of this year.
The project so far runs to Ghazeepore Rd but has been completed six months ahead of schedule.
Roads Minister Luke Donnellan said the new $90.4 million road was important for the developing Armstrong Creek precinct.
He said shared pedestrian and cyclist paths connecting the boulevard to the local network were also important community benefits.
“When this upgrade is complete it will provide a more direct route for commuters travelling to and from Melbourne via the Geelong ring road. The upgrade will also provide a more effective route for freight and tourist traffic travelling to the Surf Coast.”
The project includes extensive landscaping works and noise walls.
The road has been named after Willem Baanip, a Wathaurong man who lived around Geelong in the 1800s.