Refugees behind ‘surge in demand’ for winter warmth

More needed: St Vincent de Paul volunteers Lorraine Cotter, Colin Kelly, Judy Allan and Cheryl Woodward with donated blankets. More needed: St Vincent de Paul volunteers Lorraine Cotter, Colin Kelly, Judy Allan and Cheryl Woodward with donated blankets.

SURGING demand for warm clothes and blankets this winter is overwhelming St Vincent de Paul in Geelong, according to a spokesperson.
The charity’s regional council president, Peter Chiang, said its Geelong stores had recorded a 38 per cent increase in demand.
Mr Chiang attributed the rise to a “huge influx of refugees”.
“In Geelong we also receive a fair number of migrants and a lot come from tropical climates and aren’t used to our cold temperatures.”
Mr Chiang said an increase in single-parent families was also contributing to the shortage of winter supplies.
“Often we listen to the news and they talk about the cost of living and laugh it off but over the past three years we’ve seen a major increase in costs.
“There are people who can’t afford to fix their cars because their kids are sick or come in and are four weeks behind in rent. We notice life is getting tougher and have to help people struggling with these financial problems.”
Mr Chiang encouraged anyone with blankets or warm clothes to phone St Vincent volunteer Colin Kelly on 5229 0911.