Toy library on borrowed time

Alex de Vos
Geelong’s volunteer shortage could force one of the city’s free toy libraries to close its doors, according to the operator.
Geelong West Toy Library’s Robyn Richmund said other centres were in the same boat.
“Many toy libraries are under threat because they can’t sustain a committee of management and ours is no exception,” Ms Richmund said.
She had noticed the impact of rising living costs on her ranks of helpers.
“We’re faced with inflated houses prices, rising interest rates, food prices and petrol costs. Most households need more than income to make ends meet,” Ms Richmund said.
“This has left less time for people to participate in groups such as toy libraries.”
Ms Richmund said the region’s ageing population was also behind the volunteer shortage.
“Women are putting off having children until later in life, which has resulted in a generation of new mums managing the demands of a young family with the added responsibility of looking after ageing parents,” she said.
Ms Richmund’s library had more than 1000 toys, dress-ups, puzzles and games to lend members’ children.
“We’ve received some great government grants and some of the toys are brand new,” she said.
“But in the absence of more people stepping forward to help run the library we’re faced with the prospect of closing our doors and refunding memberships.”