‘Outsource’ plan stirs anger at uni

Andrew Mathieson
DEAKIN University’s multi-purpose gymnasium is at risk of falling into the hands of a commercial provider, a student association has warned.
Students fear that facilities at the KD Stewart Centre, on Deakin’s Waurn Ponds campus, will be priced out of their reach.
The centre houses a weights and exercise room, basketball and squash courts and a hall for examinations.
Students have hung a banner requesting help to save the centre on a science building that’s being refurbished with funding from Deakin University Stud-ent Association.
The Waurn Ponds campus committee is also running a petition and an awareness campaign.
“There has been some discussions and a report has been produced looking at the options of outsourcing,” student representative Ben Davison said.
“Obviously, students are concerned that any commercial provider would be more concerned about the bottom line than it would be about student participation.”
Mr Davison said DUSA had in the past contributed toward a facilities fund to maintain the centre for its members.
“My understanding is that there hasn’t been any request from the university for money for the KD Stewart Centre at this point with regards whether or not it’s privatised,” he said.
Mr Davison warned that privatising the facility could also threaten student use of adjacent sport grounds under the KD Stewart Centre’s management.
The student body hoped to attract more members to strengthen its financial base since the Federal Government dumped compulsory unionism this year.