Tayla’s made for her place among stars

STAR QUALITY: Tayla Johnston, shining bright in the autumn edition of GC. Picture: Greg Wane 93324

A BACKGROUND in Geelong theatre has set Tayla Johnston on course to stardom.
Now studying at Victorian College of the Arts, the Newtown beauty leads a troupe of young Geelong performers seemingly bound for fame.
“It means everything to me,” she tells the latest edition of Geelong Coast magazine (GC).
Tayla is profiled alongside Bell Post Hill’s Jazz Laker and Newtown’s Georgia Van Etten as the next faces set to emerge from Geelong, a breeding ground of stage and screen talent.
Featuring 92 glossy pages of local-only content, GC is out now at all the region’s good newsagents.


Read a snippet featuring Tayla, Jazz and Georgia  here: gcmagazine.com.au/2013/03/radar/arts/shooting-stars/