Rangers face leader North

Heads you lose: Players clash in the Geelong cup.Heads you lose: Players clash in the Geelong cup.

GEELONG Rangers will take on top-of-the-table side North Geelong in the region’s pre-season soccer cup this weekend.
Rangers face the North challenge following a devastating 4-0 loss to Geelong last Friday.
City of Greater Geelong Cup 2011 spokesperson Russell Butler predicted North Geelong would continue its unbeaten run on the back of the team’s outstanding form.
He expected the cup’s round three matches to provide “interesting” entertainment.
“It looks like North Geelong will reach three-from-three wins unless something goes horribly wrong with their game play,” he said.
“All other teams are eligible to qualify for the finals but I think North will get up again to secure a grand final spot.
“Geelong also looks very confident.”
Geelong Soccer Club’s Will Talev said the 4-0 victory over the Rangers last weekend had left his players in good spirits for this weekend’s clash with Bell Park.
Talev’s team sits second on the cup ladder after a first-round 2-1 loss to North Geelong.
“We’re as confident as can be but you never know from week to week,” he said.
“If we can get anywhere near the strength our squad had against the Rangers we will do well.”
The cup’s 2011 season fell into doubt just days from competition after the tournament’s previous sponsor pulled out.
But CoGG handed over $8000 to take on the cup. The cup is the city’s only competition involving all six league teams from five different divisions
The top sides will play off for the cup at Stead Park Reserve on March 4.
The Independent is a supporter of the competition.