4C terms omit ‘route options’

A failure to identify alternative routes in terms of reference for a review of Geelong’s 4C bypass link has alarmed residents, according to their spokesperson.
South Grovedale Community Action Group’s Margarita Kumnik said the terms of reference left out potential alternatives such as Mount Duneed Road even though motorists were already “heavily” using it to reach Surf Coast Highway.
Residents were also concerned the review’s advisory committee would lock them out of private hearings in Melbourne and refuse access to all submissions, Ms Kumnik said.
State Government this week appointed the committee to review the route of 4C between Geelong’s bypass and Surf Coast Highway.
The coalition promised the review after residents attacked the former Brumby Government over the route, saying it was too close to houses at Grovedale and Waurn Ponds.
Ms Kumnik praised the new Government for appointing the panel but said residents were concerned the terms of reference failed to “specifically identify” alternatives.
“Viable alternatives including Boundary Road, Whites Road and Mt Duneed Road were not considered from the outset during a corrupt planning process (under the previous Government),” she said.
“However, the committee’s terms of reference have not specifically identified the viable alternatives to the alignment chosen by the former state Labor Government.”
Planning Minister Matthew Guy explained the advisory committee as “different to a planning panel”.
“It will speak to stakeholders like community members, council and VicRoads and ask for submissions. The panel will advise on the route, whether Mount Duneed, Boundary Road or the existing route, and what is the best link.”