Andrew Mathieson
City Hall lawyers have cleared a by-election candidate to sit beside his brother on council despite allegations his election would create conflicts of interest.
Cr Stretch Kontelj said advice from Harwood Andrews lawyers had vindicated his brother, Eddy, against a political campaign to undermine his candidacy.
Cr Kontelj said Harwood Andrews told council: “Should Mr Eddy Kontelj be a councillor, no conflict of interest under provisions of the Local Government Act of 1989 or any other relevant legislation or principle (would arise) merely because of one brother would be deliberating or voting on a motion moved or seconded by the other brother”.
Cr Cameron Granger, a Labor party member, had raised the conflict-of-interest claims against Eddy Kontelj.
Stretch Kontelj, a Liberal, called Cr Granger’s claims “an attempt to throw some mud and hope some would stick on Eddy’s campaign”.
Cr Kontelj turned the attack back on Cr Granger, accusing him of campaigning for a Labor party colleague in the by-election.
Cr Kontelj said one of the 10 candidates, Matt Podvinsek, was a scrutineer for former Labor-aligned Cowie Ward councillor David Saunderson at the 2008 council election. Eddy Kontelj finished second to Saunderson in the election.
Cr Granger said he only knew Mr Podvinsek from Labor election campaign “after-parties”.
Cr Granger maintained his conflict-of-interest claims despite the legal advice.
“I just don’t see how the new conflict of interest legislation doesn’t become a potential issue,” he Granger said.
Cr Granger also accused Cr Kontelj of wasting ratepayers’ money to get his brother on council.
Saunderson vacated the ward when he was sacked from council and forced to pay $18,000 in fines and court costs for failing to declare a conflict of interest.
Cr Granger was also found guilty ofbreaching conflict of interest laws. He was fined $1000 without conviction.