Double Take

Kylie Warne

State Government MPs led the latest talkfest on “the region’s top priorities” at a swanky venue overlooking Torquay’s Fisherman’s Beach this week.
The event was the state’s first “Regional Assembly”, a series of which is planned for various locations around Victoria.
The assembly, according to the Government, was an opportunity to “flesh out ideas about what the region needs most” – and all from one of the most desirable positions in one of the region’s least-needy localities, of course!
Lest sceptics suggest the event was just another well-catered yakathon in a resort for the well-heeled, co-opted Geelong Chamber of Commerce boss Kylie Warne (pictured) provided a reassuring explanation.
“The Regional Assembly continues the process of reaffirming priorities for the Barwon region to inform government and deliver clear social, economic and environmental outcomes for the area.”
Well, that’s a relief – we’d never get anywhere without continuing the process of reaffirming priorities.

So what were the priorities for Geelong – and affluent Torquay – discussed at the assembly?
More jobs? Extra police? Better roads?
According to the Government’s pre-assembly online poll, the big issues were “enabling young people”, “ensuring a fair, safe and healthy community” and “transforming” for the future.
Sounds like the poll respondents would have been right at home continuing processes of reaffirming priorities at the assembly!