Buckets & Bouquets

BOUQUETS to a lady who stands up for cats in the Independent. Cats were created by God and, like us, need to eat, so they hunt. Cats only hunt to survive and don’t harm others, unlike some Geelong people. Micro-chipping and de-sexing should be used on humans, especially rapists.
Not Happy, Grovedale

BOUQUETS to a lovely lady who helped us after I fell at Ocean Grove.
Many Thanks, Ocean Grove

BOUQUETS to the operators and staff of Sea All Dolphin Swims for really looking after me. I received a voucher for my 50th birthday and they did everything they could to ensure a remarkable experience.
Judy, Lara

BOUQUETS to Gus, Max and the staff at The Car Ranch. Their continued support to ensure the vehicle I bought from them works at 100 per cent of its capacity goes above and beyond what I could have ever expected.
VT Wagon, Corio

BOUQUETS to Lara Hotel’s management and staff for their part in helping make my 80th birthday such a success.
Rhonda, Lara

BOUQUETS to a couple who stopped their car when they saw my sister’s cat on the road. The woman went to the cat and the man knocked on my door to alert me to the situation. The cat lost an eye but is recovering well.
Judy, Norlane

BUCKETS to Living Faith (Buckets & Bouquets, 26 April) for comments on New Zealand’s gay marriage laws. Whatever happened to love your neighbour as yourself? No commandment is greater. It seems to me that discriminating against fellow human beings is more likely to bring God’s wrath upon us.
Disappointed, Marshall

BUCKETS to Living Faith for ruining my Friday and probably the rest of Geelong’s faith in God. I’m not afraid of God, I’m afraid of people like you. Bouquets to New Zealand.
Rachael, Lara

BOUQUETS to Living Faith for making me realise how fortunate we are in our enlightened, secular society, no longer governed by religious dogma or imagined fears and primitive superstitions, which in the past plagued our ancestors and repressed progress and freedom.
Free Thinker, Bell Post Hill

BUCKETS to Living Faith. If you’re really that worried about what your God thinks of gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person.
It’s stupidly simple.
LiveNLetLive, Clifton Springs

BUCKETS to Living Faith. What’s next, segretation in public places? Losing the right to vote? Wake up, you moron. Buckets also to the Independent for printing such rubbish.
Big Fairy, Hamlyn Heights

BOUQUETS to Angela for stopping on Townsend Road to rescue my two dogs after they escaped and were nearly hit. Bouquets to Bellarine Veterinary Clinic for looking after my furry kids until we arrived. Words can’t express my relief to know they were safe and unhurt. May karma surprise you.
Dog Lover, St Albans Park

BUCKETS to a cruel, uninformed woman at Corio Shopping Centre on Sunday for telling my husband: “I bet you wish you hadn’t smoked”. He has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and is awaiting a lung transplant. He has never smoked and neither have I. Wake up, you stupid person.
ED, Lara

BOUQUETS to lollipop lady Julia at South Geelong Primary School’s crossing for helping us cross the road safely, always being happy and knowing our names. You are the best lollipop lady ever.
My Two Brothers And I, East Geelong

BOUQUETS to the bloke who broke his mal then saved my surfboard when it washed in to shore after my leg-rope broke at Bells Beach on Monday. I couldn’t swim in fast enough to find you so I could thank you personally.
Quadfin, Torquay