By John Van Klaveren
PLANNING and population growth have become widely discussed topics over the past month, according to regional lobby group G21 Alliance.
G21 head Elaine Carbines said more than 100 people had attended some of the organisation’s workshops and listening posts.
“People had some widely held views and it’s been really interesting to hear,” Ms Carbines said.
G21 had developed three scenarios for the growth of the region as it grows to its expected population of 500,000 by 2050.
“Some expressed strong statements on the need for consolidation while others are seeking new development opportunities, and some a mix of the two,” Ms Carbines said.
“The listening posts proved popular and we still have a few more to run.
“We’ve had input from community groups, particularly those interested in planning issues, as well as individuals, government, government agencies, and the development community.”
Ms Carbines said the G21 website had received more than 2000 hits seeking information.
Drysdale Clifton Springs Community Association’s website said the group supported existing Bellarine Peninsula structure plans.
“However, while the structure plan for Drysdale and Clifton Springs calls for greater housing diversity and the retention of the town’s rural character, recent local developments meet neither criterion.”
A post on G21’s on-line forum under the name Spark said the first scenario, called “growing in”, was the most appealing.
“The others invade into green space. We cannot afford to keep removing land from food provision and water catchment.
“By centralising population growth we also place ourselves in the position of needing to drastically improve public transport.”
A post under the name Gail liked scenario one because it limited the urbanisation of agricultural land and consolidated infrastructure.
“We can see the green wedges approach in Melbourne is compromised, so the risk with scenario two is that the same thing will happen in our region.”
Ms Carbines said G21 would use the input to complete a draft growth plan for released in April.
Consultations end on December 16.