WAITS for Geelong ambulances increased 12 minutes last year, according to figures released under Freedom of Information.
The Ambulance Victoria figures showed waiting times for 90 per cent of cases increased in all regions around Geelong.
The figures, comparing July 2010 to November 2011 with 2009/2010, showed that waits for critically ill or injured people had increased to an average 34 minutes.
Waits also increased 12 minutes at Apollo Bay, five at Torquay, four at Anglesea and Lara, three at Belmont and Ocean Grove and two at Norlane.
Opposition shadow parliamentary secretary for health Wade Noonan said the Geelong blow-out followed a state-wide trend.
“The Baillieu Government has been asleep at the wheel and now ambulance response times in Geelong are placing lives at risk,” he said.
“Every minute counts when it comes to ambulance response times.”
Ambulance Employees Australia secretary Steve McGhie said the figures reflected a shortfall in Geelong.
The Independent reported last month that the ambulance union would push for 11 more paramedics under the next state budget.
Health Minister David Davis was unavailable for comment when the Independent went to press.