By Luke Voogt
Good things come to those that wait, like North Geelong’s Hanny Hoekstra who underwent her first tattoo on Thursday, aged 76.
“I’ve always wanted a tattoo and now’s as good a time as any to get one,” she said.
Multicultural Aged Care Service (MACS) gifted Hanny the tattoo as part of its Wishing Tree program to grant residents’ and their families’ Christmas wishes.
“Bring it on,” Hanny said after learning her wish would be granted.
“I came to MACS in February after having a severe stroke. I told my husband, Jim, to go and find himself another lady but he wasn’t interested.
“He told me we were soul mates.”
Hanny decided a tattoo with the word ‘Forever’ would be a fitting celebration of their 58th anniversary on 20 December.
“When I told my son, Mark, I was getting a tattoo he was shocked but just laughed and said, ‘I can’t say no because I’m not your parent’,’” Hanny said.
MACS chief Joy Leggo, said Hanny deserved granting of her wish.
“On admission, Hanny was quite debilitated,” Ms Leggo said.
“She’s made steady progress and is now doing her make-up again or, as she would say, ‘putting her face on’, and has taken up painting as a pastime.”
Jim visits every day and her two children, Debbie and Mark, are also there often to support her.
The aged care centre also cared for both Hanny and Jim’s parents.
“Hanny was a very active member of Geelong’s Dutch community so it’s great she can continue to embrace her culture and mix with other Dutch residents here,” Ms Leggo said.