110-plus jobs on the way to Leopold, says Bunnings

COMING: A concept image of the Leopold Bunnings.

More than 110 new jobs will flow from a Bunnings Warehouse to open Leopold next year, the company has announced.
The $28 million Gateway Plaza store would open in mid-2016, Bunnings said.
Construction of the 12,300-square-metre store is under way after Bunnings secured council approval for a plaza expansion to accommodate the new hardware.
Bunnings Leopold will comprise a main warehouse, indoor timber trade sales area and outdoor nursery, an indoor playground, a cafe and parking for more than 250 cars.
The company was “committed to supporting the community in Leopold”, said its property general manager, Andrew Marks.
“Bunnings’ investment in Leopold will provide great job opportunities for the local community, with over 110 new positions expected to be available in the Bunnings team, representing strong employment opportunities for local residents and school leavers,” Mr Marks said.
The Indy revealed in June that Bunnings planned to open in Leopold after rival big-box hardware chain Masters abandoned its plans for the town in 2013. Masters had been unable to secure council approval of its preferred site.
The former owners of Mite 10, Keith and Barry Fagg, objected to both the Masters and Bunnings planning permit applications.