By Michelle Herbison
POLICE believe Geelong has recorded possibly its first charge for possession of synthetic cannabis Kronic since it became illegal last year.
Magistrate Stephen Myall gave Bradley McCooke, of Alsop St, Belmont, a 12-month good behaviour bond for possession of synthetic cannabinoids after police found the drug in his abandoned car after a crash.
The court heard police initially believed the drugs in McCooke’s car were cannabis but a spot test identified them as Kronic.
McCooke accepted responsibility, telling police “if it’s Kronic it might be mine”.
McCooke had crashed his car into a fence while driving a friend home about 5.45am on September 12.
McCooke’s defence said the prosecution had no evidence McCooke was speeding but the road was wet.
He was relying on his passenger’s directions and turned “too late”, the court heard.
McCooke appeared in court clean-shaven and wearing a suit.
Mr Myall fined him $850 and suspended his driver’s licence for one month.