SHOPPING at Geelong’s Black Pepper is all about the customer service, according to Bellbrae’s Noela Alexander.
In fact, Ms Alexander was so impressed she successfully nominated the clothing store for the Independent’s monthly Shop Local Geelong Customer Service Award.
“The staff give excellent service with friendly individual assistance to each customer, making the atmosphere welcoming and relaxing,” Ms Alexander wrote.
“This makes the shop a very pleasant place to shop for quality clothes in Geelong.”
Black Pepper manager Carline Threadwell was thrilled to win the February award.
The win reflected the loyalty of the store’s clientele, mostly women aged in the “40s and up”, she said.
“We’ve got clients in their 90s and they love it. They feel really special being able to find something a bit fashionable but still casual and comfortable.”
The monthly customer service award is part of the Independent’s Shop Local Geelong campaign, which encourages shoppers to spend money locally rather than online or out of town.
Customer service award winners receive acknowledgement in the Independent, the region’s highest-circulating community newspaper, as well as a $1000 advertising package.
Nominations should describe in 50 words or less why a business deserves to win and be sent with the nominator’s name, address and phone number to:
Mail: Shop Local Geelong, PO Box 407, Geelong, 3220
Email: editorial@geelongindependent.com.au
Fax: 5249 6799