The public could decide the fate of 6510 hectares of Anglesea heathland during a weekend of wildflowers.
Great Otway National Park acquired the land, originally part of the Alcoa coal-mining lease, following a decade-long campaign by environmental protection group ANGAIR.
Parks Victoria will hold public consultation about the future use of the land during the annual ANGAIR Wildflower and Art Weekend.
This year’s event, on Saturday and Sunday, will feature ANGAIR’s latest project to develop a database containing nearly 50 years of local natural history.
When complete, the database will be available for research by students and the public.
The weekend will feature traditional attractions including a rainbow display of Surf Coast wildflowers and another featuring other native Australian plants.
The show also includes local nature bus tours, nature-based children’s activities, plant sales, sausage sizzles and stalls by environmental groups and authorities.
The weekend’s activities run from 10am to 4pm both days at the Anglesea Hall.
For more information email sawhite@bigpond.net.au.