17 years ago
February 29, 2008
Police hope to find clues to unsolved crimes after authorities hauled 20 dumped cars out of the Barwon River yesterday.
A police spokesperson said the cars could provide crucial evidence for investigation of unsolved crimes.
10 years ago
February 27, 2015
A controversial 95-metre floating fishing factory will bring jobs and investment when it makes Geelong port its home base later this year.
But the the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has opposed the plan.
6 years ago
February 22, 2019
Revitalising Central Geelong and some traders have defended the city centre’s Green Spine project amid accusations of congestion and poor design.
1 year ago
March 1, 2024
The City of Greater Geelong has backflipped on its plan to help fund the Bell Park Football/ Netball Club’s Hamlyn Park changeroom facilities and instead awarded the money to another club.
During council’s meeting at Norlane’s Northern Aquatic Centre & Community Hub on Tuesday February 27, councillor Peter Murrihy presented a surprise motion to withdraw funding for female-friendly changerooms at Hamlyn Park, home of Bell Park Panthers, and reallocate it, plus an extra $550,000, to Newtown & Chilwell’s Elderslie Reserve.