Vera brightens up Torquay with sunflowers

Vera Tosevski is Torquay's sunflower queen. (Ivan Kemp) 454179_02

Vera Tosevski has been growing flowers for most of her life and holds the title of sunflower queen. As the Surf Coast Celebration of Sunflowers Challenge Day celebrates its fourth year, Jena Carr speaks with the Torquay grandmother and her daughter Sue.

Vera Tosevski is the sunflower queen of Torquay and is known throughout the region for her beautiful yellow flower display outside her home.

The 82-year-old grandmother moved to Australia more than half a century ago and has grown sunflowers for close to 10 years after her grandson gave her husband a sunflower for Father’s Day.

“I left Macedonia for a better life, and I like everything about living in Australia… I moved here with my husband and first daughter,” Vera said.

“It’s been 10 years of growing sunflowers. My grandson, after school, says, ‘Nana, what do I give grandad for Father’s Day?’. So, he came across a sunflower and gave it to him.

“Every year is not the same. The sunflowers are a bit shorter this year compared to previous years, where you could see them over the fence.

“It makes me happy, especially now that the cockatoos can’t get to them. The sunflowers were too tall before to put a net over them, but now they are covered.

“As soon as the sunflowers come good, the cockatoos come straight away to eat them. But one day I put the net over the flowers, and they don’t come anymore.”

Vera’s daughter Sue Toskovski, 52, said her mum had always been interested in growing flowers, a passion passed on to her.

“My sister was born in Macedonia, and she was three when my parents moved here. Then I was born later here,” she said.

“Growing up, I remember mum had the little teddy bear sunflowers. People would say they weren’t sunflowers, but I knew they were. A lot of people don’t know that there are different varieties.

“They just think that there are the standard tall ones. My mum has been teaching me how to grow sunflowers for a couple of years now… They are big shoes to fill.

“I don’t have the outside display like she does; they’re more in my front yard. This year they’re not tall, so I’d like the sunflowers to go over the fence so people can see it, but I do have them along the driveway.”

Vera earned her title of sunflower queen at the Surf Coast Celebration of Sunflowers Challenge Day for her flowers and remains undefeated for three years.

“Mum always tells me that she doesn’t want the limelight. Sunflower Queen is a title she earned, and she has to have it,” Sue said.

During this interview someone walking past Vera’s property yelled, “nice sunflowers”, which Vera said happens daily.

“Many people send me cards saying I like your sunflowers. I like it and the best part about sunflowers is that it makes me and other people happy,” Vera said.

“I try everything, I don’t care. I like to do something, and I enjoy it. I have been named the sunflower queen, and the title feels good. I have had the title for four years.

“It takes good water, sunflower food, mulch, lots of sun and digging to grow a good sunflower. Somebody helps me with the digging; hopefully, the sunflowers will be bigger next year.

“I like the sun too. I like seeing everything green and fresh. I don’t like being inside too much. I enjoy my garden, and I eat from the garden straight and fresh. I like to grow them.

“In my heart I think young… and I cook healthy from my garden. I grow garlic, onion, spinach, beans, tomatoes, silverbeet, cucumber, carrots and many other things.”

Sue said sunflowers brought joy to her and her mother and that the Sunflowers Challenge Day was about inspiring the enjoyment and fun of gardening in the Surf Coast community.

“Last time, there was about 100 people who attended and then there’s people walking by. We also gave away over 3000 seeds last year,” she said.

“You don’t need to have a sunflower. You can just be there and see everyone’s display. People might pull out what they’ve got from the ground and bring it in.

“A little girl made a sunflower out of Lego. There’s sunflower story time so that it could be anything flower-related. Everyone gets a prize; it’s just for fun.

“Some categories include silly, most unfortunate, potted, something in a vase, something almost been, has been, and people can bring in anything.

“Everyone is welcome. I’d like to see it spread more and so would mum, she just loves it. It makes people happy… Just come along and have fun. Once you come along, you’re hooked.”

The Surf Coast Celebration of Sunflowers Challenge Day will return to Torquay for its fourth year on grass opposite Front Beach Cafe on Esplanade on Saturday, January 25, from 10am to 11.15am.