Locals honoured at awards night

Cr Anthony Aitken, Justine Martin, mayor Stretch Kontelj, Laura Williamson, Matthew Gardiner and Leanne Watson (front). (supplied)

Twelve greater Geelong community members have been recognised for their outstanding work in advocacy, leadership, and empowering others, and in their contributions to the community through their work or volunteering.

Announced at the 2024 Geelong Awards for People with Disability at Geelong Library and Heritage Centre on Tuesday December 3, four community members were announced as winners from 12 nominees.

Leanne Watson received the Volunteering Award, Matthew Gardiner the Leadership and Advocacy Award, Laura Williamson the Achievement Award and Justine Martin the Business Leadership Access and Inclusion Award.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj congratulated the winners on their accomplishments.

“I want to commend all of the nominees, who have made a significant contribution to the greater Geelong community, and pay particular credit to the winners of these awards,” he said.

“The City of Greater Geelong is at its best when everybody in the community regardless of race, gender, or ability is given the same opportunities to succeed and these awards highlight the amazing talent we have right across our region.”

On the night, City of Greater Geelong also recognised International Day of People with Disability by launching its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-28.

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outlines council’s actions to create a city that is more accessible, inclusive, welcoming and supports the full participation of people with disability.

Councillor Anthony Aitken said the plan sets out the steps that will be taken to reduce and remove barriers experienced by people with a disability.

“Council is committed to working alongside people with disability, their carers and supporters to improve the lives of those living with a disability in our region,” he said.

“We recognise and embrace the rights of people with disability to experience, benefit and enjoy all aspects of society, and these rights lie at the heart of this plan.”