Loading bay safety works needed

By Jena Carr

Winchelsea businesses and residents are calling for upgrades of a loading bay on Hesse Street following concerns about safety and traffic issues.

Surf Coast Shire Council unanimously accepted a petition titled ‘Heavy Vehicle Access to Hesse Street and Fixing of Loading Bay – Hesse Street Winchelsea’ during its September 16 meeting.

Councillor Heather Wellington said WorkSafe had indicated issues with the loading bay’s width, gradient, and general traffic issues.

“This is clearly a critical issue for Winchelsea, for the business owners, but also for the community,” she said.

“We need to deal with it promptly and effectively with an outcome that maintains access to those vehicles and safety for the community.

“Council needs to be working with work safe in order to find a solution to this problem…and I’d like to see all of the people working on this being absolutely united in their search for a solution.”

Cr Adrian Schonfelder said the community needed assurance that semi-trailer access along Hesse Street would not be affected and that a reasonable solution would be found to fix the loading bay.

“If semi-trailers are not allowed to operate, it will have a heavy impact on all businesses logistically and commercially,” he said.

“The loading Bay on Hesse Street forms the backbone for loading and unloading for businesses in the area and it needs to be fixed for the safety of trucks and pedestrians.”

The petition featured 13 signatures from Surf Coast Shire residents and will be referred to the general manager of placemaking and environment for further consideration.