Youth art on show

Frazey Horsburgh-White is exhibiting at the 2024 Youth Fest Art Exhibition. (supplied)

The 2024 Youth Fest Art Exhibition is about to begin on the Surf Coast.

Run by Surf Coast Shire, this year’s exhibition, themed Senses – Sense of Identity, Sense of Place, will run from September 1 to 15 at Anglesea Art Space.

The 2024 exhibition theme encourages young artists aged 12 to 25 who live, work, or study within the Surf Coast Shire to explore and express their sense of identity and place through various art forms and styles.

One of the entrants is 15-year-old Frazey Horsburgh-White, who has taken inspiration from the acclaimed Felicia Chiao to create an emotional and thought-provoking multi-media artwork. The piece is a complex blend of foam core board, wood, resin, paper, and oven-baked clay.

“This project was a way of incorporating the different skills I’ve picked up. Each of the materials and textures play a role in telling the story I wanted to express,” Frazey said.

“My artwork is a reflection of the emotions many of us experience, but often struggle to articulate. I wanted to visually explore those feelings of being overwhelmed and then finding a way through to something brighter.”

The Youth Fest Art Exhibition will be open to the public from September 1 to 15 between 11am and 4pm at the Anglesea Art Space, Shop 2, 103 Great Ocean Road Anglesea (corner of Noble Street).

The exhibition is part of the Vic Youth Fest supported by the Office for Youth, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.