Targeting illegal parking in Geelong

Police are cracking down on illegal parking at Geelong train station car park. (supplied)

Police are targeting illegal parking at Geelong train station car park on Latrobe Terrace following continuing issues of cars blocking other vehicles in.

Victoria Police have responded to many 000 calls for assistance of cars unable to get out of the Latrobe Terrace car park due to illegally parked cars, which has increased in recent weeks.

Senior Constable Stacey Nott said police had issued 41 infringement notices in the last three days from June 18 to 20 for illegal parking in the area and would continue to target the problem.

One incident included police being called out to the car park on June 18 at close to 3pm when a woman had been blocked in by another car.

“Police were called to the car park in relation to a woman/mum who couldn’t get her vehicle out. She had children that required pick up from day care, which didn’t happen as a result,” she said.

“The offending vehicle was towed and issued with an infringement notice for $192. The owner of the towed vehicle thought the car had been stolen.”

Cars parked outside marked bays and in no standing areas prevented cars legally parked from exiting, with some people waiting close to four hours with their cars before being able to leave.

The Independent went to the Latrobe Terrace V/Line Car Park on Wednesday June 26, and counted 27 cars illegally parked at 9.30am, with at least half blocking in legally parked cars.

Police said many people who worked in Geelong parked their vehicles in the car park which impacted V/Line passengers.

Police will work with V/Line and their CCTV network to see who the illegal parked and to issue infringement notices and possible towing from the car park.