Sewer pipeline upgrades scheduled

The Barwon Heads sewer pipeline will soon be upgraded to provide the community with secure and affordable water and sewerage services.

Work on the sewer pipeline alignment between the Barwon River and the Barwon Heads pump station on the Geelong and Barwon Heads Road will begin mid-February.

Barwon Water planning, delivery and environment general manager Seamus Butcher said construction was expected to be completed by late 2024.

“The works will see infrastructure upgraded to prevent sewer spills in the future, protect the environment and maintain reliable sewerage services,” he said.

“We invite the community to come to our dedicated information session on February 8 and learn more about the project, where we will be working and what to expect during construction.

“We thank the local Barwon Heads community for their support and will do all we can to minimise impacts and keep the local community informed.”

Barwon Water said it understood that the works would impact residents, businesses, the Village Park, and Barwon Heads visitors and appreciated the community’s understanding.

A community drop-in session will be held at the Barwon Heads Bowling Club, on the corner of Sheepwash and Geelong Roads, between 5.30pm and 7.30pm on February 8.

Barwon Water also launched a new grants program on February 1, with applications of up to $5000 for community grants and $2500 for school grants accepted until March 31.

Customers, community and strategy general manager Laura Kendall said Barwon Water was looking for projects that would help save water for the region.

“The projects also make the community a better place to live, improve the local environment, help people to be active and connected, and encourage social inclusion,” she said.

More information about the Barwon Heads sewer pipeline upgrades and the community grants program is available on the Barwon Water website.