The Lifeblood mobile blood donor centre will return to Torquay in January for the first time in more than ten years.
The centre will return to the Surf Coast from January 15 to 19 at 1 Beacon Boulevard, when demand for blood will be the highest in a decade.
Lifeblood spokesperson Stephanie Reynolds said the centre’s visit was a trial but that if it were successful, it would return.
“One blood donation is needed every 18 seconds in Australia, and I am pleased people in Torquay will have the opportunity to donate closer to home,” she said.
“We recognise Torquay has a growing population and we are eager to make blood donation as convenient and easy as possible.”
Ms Reynolds said one in three Australians will need blood or blood products in their lifetime, and the need for blood does not stop.
She also said a blood donation appointment took close to an hour and that the donation would only last five to 10 minutes.
“There are 190 appointments available. I encourage you to book now because they are likely to fill fast,” she said.
“And if you are out of town during January’s mobile unit visit, the Geelong Blood Donor Centre is another option. It’s open seven days a week.”
Blood donations are used for many reasons, including surgery, blood disorders, cancer treatment, trauma patients and for women having babies.
People can book a blood donation on 13 14 95, the DonateBlood app, or at